Nieuwe patch Overwatch voegt Game Browser toe en gooit Bastion op de schop

Overwatch heeft weer een nieuwe significante update gekregen. In de nieuwe update is de Game Browser die eerder al onthuld werd in de game gezet. Dat is niet alles want Bastion is veranderd, Capture the Rooster is op meer maps speelbaar en er zijn weer wat buffs en nerfs uitgedeeld.

In de Game Browser kunnen spelers zelf bepalen hoe ze Overwatch willen spelen en kunnen dus alle regels zelf aanpassen. De Game Browser is in feite een uitgebreide versie van Custom Game waarvan matches met jouw regels ook door vreemdelingen online gespeeld kunnen worden. Je kunt bijvoorbeeld cooldowns van personages weghalen of sneller schieten.

In Arcade is het nu mogelijk om Capture the Rooster te selecteren. Er zijn sinds het vorige evenement dat in het teken stond van het Chinese nieuwejaar meer mappen toegevoegd aan de poel zoals Nepal, Ilios en Oasis. In totaal zijn er 12 mappen speelbaar.
Natuurlijk zijn er ook nog de nodige buffs en nerfs. Bastion is bijvoorbeeld helemaal omgegooid en Mercy wordt ook iets sterker naast een kleine verandering aan de gevoeligheid van de staf, maar spelers kunnen dit zelf instellen. De aanpassingen zijn als volgt:


• New Hero Option: Nano Boost Sensitivity
o Allows players to adjust Nano Boost’s targeting sensitivity

• Configuration: Sentry
o Reconfiguration time decreased from 1.5 seconds to 1.0 second
o Bullet spread increased by 50%
o Bullet spread is always at maximum (it no longer increases as the weapon is fired)
o Magazine size increased from 200 to 300
o No longer deals critical damage
• Configuration: Recon
o Bullet spread decreased by 25%
o Magazine size increased from 20 to 25
• Self-Repair
o Can now be used while moving
o Now bound to secondary fire (formerly Ability 2)
o No longer interrupted by taking damage
o A new resource meter has been added that depletes while Self-Repair is active and recharges when not in use
• Configuration: Tank
o No longer grants bonus armor
• New Passive Ability: Ironclad
o Bastion takes 35% less damage while in Configuration: Sentry or Tank
Developer Comments: The goal of these changes is to move some of Bastion’s power from Configuration: Sentry to Recon, while keeping its sentry mode a strong option, especially versus tanks and barriers. Overall, Bastion should feel stronger and more flexible with these changes.

• Defense Matrix
o Enemy shots no longer need to travel a minimum distance before they can be blocked
Developer Comments: Previously, there was a minimum distance a projectile had to travel before it could be destroyed by Defense Matrix. This made it nearly worthless in situations where an enemy was right next to your teammate, such as when Roadhog hooks your ally. This change removes that restriction so Defense Matrix should now reliably destroy projectiles regardless of how far they have traveled.

• Cryo-Freeze
o Can now be targeted by allies while in Cryo-Freeze

• Resurrect
o While performing a resurrection, Mercy now becomes temporarily invulnerable along with the allies being revived
• Caduceus Staff
o Zenyatta can no longer be targeted while Transcendence is active
• New Hero Option: Guardian Angel Sensitivity
o Allows players to adjust Guardian Angel’s targeting sensitivity
• New Hero Option: Beam Sensitivity
o Allows players to adjust targeting sensitivity on Mercy’s Caduceus Staff beams
Developer Comments: Mercy’s Resurrect has always been very powerful, but it often forces her to sacrifice herself to use it well. There have been changes in the past that attempted to help her in this area, but haven’t done enough to solve it. This change means that once she uses the ability, she will always survive long enough to be with her team again.

• Scrap Gun
o Spread decreased by 20%
• Chain Hook
o Targets are now pulled to a location 3.5 meters away, up from 2 meters
o Cooldown increased from 6 to 8
Developer Comments: Overall, the Roadhog changes reduce the power of his hook a bit, but his gun is now more effective when not using the hook.

• New Hero Option: Hack Sensitivity
o Allows players to adjust the targeting sensitivity on Sombra’s Hack ability

• Rivet Gun
o Ammo is now loaded earlier in the reload animation

• New Hero Option: Grappling Hook Sensitivity
o Allows players to adjust Grappling Hook’s targeting sensitivity

• Critical hit volume reduced by 15%
Developer Comments: Winston’s head hit volume was just abnormally big, making him take more damage than he otherwise should. This change brings it more in line with other heroes.

• New Hero Option: Projected Barrier Sensitivity
o Allows players to adjust Projected Barrier’s targeting sensitivity

• New Hero Option: Harmony Orb Sensitivity
o Allows players to adjust Harmony Orb’s targeting sensitivity
• New Hero Option: Discord Orb Sensitivity
o Allows players to adjust Discord Orb’s targeting sensitivity

• Skill ratings below 500 will no longer be displayed.
Developer Comments: We’ve noticed that some players have been deliberately throwing their matches in an effort to reach the lowest attainable skill rating. We obviously don’t want to incentivize this behavior, because Competitive Play works best when everybody is trying.


• Respawn Delay
o When attackers outnumber defenders while taking a control point on Assault, Escort and Assault/Escort maps, the defenders’ respawn time will slowly increase until it hits a maximum value or the defense manages to gain the upper hand.
Developer Comments: Until now, stalling an attack by repeatedly throwing yourself at the point has been a common defensive strategy on Assault, Escort and Assault/Escort maps—even when the attackers have a decisive advantage. Typically, this tactic doesn’t change the outcome of battle; it simply delays the attackers’ progress.

• A second gate no longer closes after the payload passes through the castle doors. Instead, rubble from the damaged doorway partially blocks the entrance.
Developer Comments: Once the offensive team gets through the castle entrance, the map becomes very heavily stacked in the defense’s favor. This change will give the offense more entrance options, which should improve the map’s overall balance.

• Fixed an audio bug that prevented the point capture sound from increasing in pitch as the capture progressed
• Fixed an issue preventing key bindings on the communication wheel from displaying properly
• Fixed a bug causing some key bindings to revert to default after the first round of a Control map
• Fixed a bug that allowed commendation cards to be recalculated and transferred to a new player after the previous recipient left at the end of a round
• Fixed a bug that caused the “experience gained” audio effects to continue playing, even after the players left the game lobby
• Environmental damage to barriers no longer counts toward the “Damage Blocked” statistic

• Fixed a bug that caused Roadhog bot to spin around after hooking a target
Competitive Play
• Fixed a bug preventing “60 seconds remaining” and “30 seconds remaining” voice lines from playing during the second round of a match

• Fixed a bug preventing Lucio’s “Sound Barriers Provided” statistic from being properly calculated
• Fixed a bug preventing Reinhardt’s Charge from properly pinning targets
• Fixed a bug preventing Reinhardt’s shield from displaying cracks at low health with the Wujing skin equipped
• Fixed a bug that allowed Roadhog to turn freely while pulling a hooked target
• Fixed an issue that allowed Sombra’s Translocator to become stuck in the air
• Fixed a bug preventing Tracer’s ”Clock’s Tickin’’ spray from matching the thumbnail in the Hero Gallery

• Adjusted the collision in the attacker spawn room on Eichenwalde to prevent players from getting stuck in the pipes
• Torbjörn can now construct turrets on the stairs in Oasis
• Fixed an issue that caused Highlight Intros to clip into the roof of a building on Lijang Tower

    J.W.'s avatar


    madda's avatar

    nice 🙂

    Mark89NL's avatar

    Ik vind nu wel dat Bastion te sterk is geworden. Merci heb ik nog begrip voor.