Nieuwe details God of War vrijgegeven; Kratos is kwetsbaarder en upgrades voor skills, armor

Er zijn nieuwe details vrijgegeven omtrent God of War, die in de nieuwste editie van GameInformer geschreven staan. De grootste veranderingen en belangrijkste details zijn in onderstaande lijst opgesomd, zoals dat Kratos kwetsbaarder is en niet meer per se elke god moet kunnen verslaan en dat we de nodige dingen kunnen upgraden.

Skills, armor en wapens kunnen worden voorzien van upgrades. Kratos kan in deze game echter niet meer springen, er ligt meer prioriteit op vijanden en de game is dus niet meer zo chaotisch als voorheen en de bijl en het schild spelen de hoofdrol op wapengebied. Tot slot is gemeld dat de franchise wil groeien en daarbij heeft gekeken hoe Uncharted en Assassin’s Creed dit aanpakken.

Lees hieronder alle nieuwe details over God of War.


  • Combat is based on prioritizing enemies, it’s not as chaotic as in the past. For example certain enemies are resistant to Leviathan which is Kratos Axe, others are impossible to stagger.
  • Use of your surroundings is important to get through combat scenarios. Gives players a few different choices in completing combat scenarios.
  • Leviathan is can be thrown to freeze certain enemies and a button needs to be pushed to summon it back to you.
  • Not sure if this was known, but there’s no jump button.
  • Shield is used to parry and as well in melee combat.
  • Arteus (Kratos’ Son) is an extension of Kratos moveset, can be used to attack certain enemies by pushing the square button.
  • While not being directed in combat Aretus will rain arrows on enemies which will increase their stun meter, once they are stunned Kratos can grab the enemies and either rip them apart or use them as weapons. The example given is a specific enemy creates an area of effect attack that launches the rest of the enemies in the air.


  • No more jumping or swimming.
  • Kratos and Arteus use boats to traverse the environment when appropriate.

    Upgrade System

  • Skills, armor, weapons can all be upgraded.
  • Uses some type of crafting system that the developers are being tight lipped about.
  • Can craft different types of armor.
  • Skill upgrades and crafting of armor applies to Arteus as well.
  • There are rune slots on the axe that can change the properties of the weapon for both light and heavy attack.


  • Being tight lipped about other weapons appearing in the game, but say that the Axe and Shield are the star of the show.


  • They wanted to get away from the destroy all Gods mentality that they had in previous God of Wars so they Made Kratos more vulnerable. The only time he really goes insane in combat is during Spartan Rage where he starts demolishing characters with just his fists.
  • After Ascension it was hard to get the higher ups to sign off onto another God of War game, they were pretty much done with the franchise, Cory had to pitch something great and fresh in order to get the game greenlit.
  • Cory speaking about the future of God of War mentions the Mayan Era or the Egyptian Era.
  • Cory mentions he wants this new direction of God of War to reach way more people and go into Uncharted and Assassins Creed levels and to grow the franchise.
  • God of War staat gepland voor een release in de eerste maanden van dit jaar en verschijnt exclusief voor PlayStation 4.

      MikeGevers's avatar

      Ik snap best dat het de bedoeling is dat Kratos kwetsbaarder is dan voorheen, maar niet meer kunnen springen? Dat gaat mij persoonlijk een beetje ver.

      Heccer's avatar

      Mij ook niet springen raar gevoel maar we zullen zien hoe dit uitpakt

      Leukste's avatar

      Dan kun je straks koprollen maken zoals in de Zelda games om door de wereld te reizen. 😛